Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Where I'm From

Hey Everyone!!!

I apologize for not posting in a while, but I have been very busy. Between working at the local pizza place in my town (5 years and counting :) ) and volunteering as a teaching assistant at Hathaway Elementary School, I seem to be searching for time to do anything else. I have been hard at work on a year in review blog about my first year at SMC. If all goes as plan, Part 1 should be up by the end of the week, so stay tuned.

Today I wanted to share a poem I wrote with my kids. We have been focusing a lot on poetry lately, responding to poems of all different kinds. This week we are focusing on a poem by George Ella Lyons title "Where I am From". After reading and discussing George's poem, the lead teacher and I had the students echo the poem and write their own "Where I am From" poem. Here is mine:

Where I'm From

I am from sandy beaches
      constantly caressed by waves
      the giggling of children and the squawking of birds
I'm from grass cut in straight lines
      a made for tanning
      the smell of fresh dough filling the air
      a growing and ever-changing home
I am from mountains and trees
      draped with new fallen snow
      leaves of every color that crunch under your feet

I am from the Red and White
      lockers, backpacks, and books 
      JKL2, the WMP crew, and the tricycle too
I'm from small desks and chairs
      bulbs of budding knowledge
I am from the Purple and Gold
      proud knights who care
      classes and volunteering

I am from an angelic nephew
      an adorable Godfather
      filling the home with joy and laughter
I'm from those who love to care
      always ready to give a helping hand
I'm from letters and cards
      pictures from a camera and from kids' hearts
      never leaving me feeling lonely
      memories that last forever

Where are you from? Writing like this can open a door to bringing out the best memories. It can be a leaping pad to other writings. I invite you to write your own Where I'm From. At this point in many of our lives it is so important to look back at our past too see where we have come from. I leave you with the words of George Ella Lyons, "Remember, you are the expert on you. No one else sees the world as you do; no one else has your material to draw on. You don't have to know where to begin. Just start. Let it flow. Trust the work to find its own form." I hope you all enjoy your Summer!!!

Peace, Love, and Hugs,


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